Name Surname: Colin O'Brady
Birthday: 16 Mar 1985
Gender: Male
Nationality: United States
Number: 1261
Birthday: 16 Mar 1985
Gender: Male
Nationality: United States
Number: 1261
Number Route |
Race / Independent | Name | Lastname | Vessel Name | Team Name | Class / Crew | Status | Total Avg Speed [kt] | Total distance [NM] / team or boat group picture |
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937 Southern (N-S) |
Ind 465
Ohana | The Impossible Row | Open / 6 / M |
E |
Notes: part of the Ocean Explorers Grand Slam by Fiann Paul, 2011-2019; 8 years, 11 months, 21 days
1.83 | 529 |
track web press |